Backsteinmauer mit Büste und Inschrift „Wilhelm Löhe Schule“, umgeben von Grünpflanzen.
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School registration

School registration

Primary School

Online registration form (will be activated on 25.01. at 1 pm)

Elementary school registration schedule (in German)


Enrolment dates

The enrolment forms will be made available in due course.

  • Registration period for “Grundschule” (elementary school) for grade 1: 25/01/2025 to 8/02/2025 (online registration)
  • Registration period for “Fachoberschule” (technical high school) for grades 11 and 13: 17/02/2025 to 23/02/2025 (online registration)
  • Registration period for “Gymnasium” (high school) for grade 5: 22/03/2025 to 27/03/2025 (online registration); in-person registration day: Saturday, 29 March 2025, 10.00 to 14.00 (prior online registration is required)
  • Registration period for “Mittelschule” (a type of secondary school) for grades 5 to 7: 24/03/2025 to 06/04/2025 (online registration); Familiarisation day: 2 May 2025 from 1 pm
  • Registration period for “Realschule” (a type of secondary school) for grade 5: 28/04/2025 to 04/05/2025 (online registration)


If you are considering transferring your child from another school to our school – e.g. due to relocation, – please contact the school management directly and arrange an appointment.

Documents required for online registration

For online registration you will need the birth certificate and the baptism certificate in pdf format. If your child has not been baptized or is non-denominational, please make an appointment with our school pastor, Pastor Maletius, well before the actual registration days. Elementary school is an exception. Here the interview with the school theologian only takes place after the selection and lottery procedure.

In addition to your birth certificate and baptismal certificate in pdf format, you will need the following documents for online registration:


“Grundschule” (elementary school)


“Fachoberschule” (technical high school)

  • Current intermediate school report (2025) (Zwischenzeugnis)
  • curriculum vitae
  • Passport photo


“Gymnasium” (high school)

  • Last annual report card (2024) (Jahreszeugnis)
  • Current interim information (2025) (Zwischeninformation)


“Mittelschule” (a type of secondary school)

  • Annual report of the 1st grade
  • Last annual report (2024) (Jahreszeugnis)
  • Current interim information or current interim report (2025) (Zwischenzeugnis oder Zwischeninformation)


“Realschule” (a type of secondary school)

  • Last annual report (2024) (Jahreszeugnis)
  • Current interim information or current interim report (2025) ) (Zwischenzeugnis oder Zwischeninformation)
  • Transition certificate (2025) (if already received)
  • Letter of recommendation (if available)
  • (Pre-registration for children from the 5th grade with the interim report 2025)


General information from the head of the comprehensive school

Dear parents and pupils.

At the beginning and end of primary school, you will have to decide which school to attend.

Many of you will be considering the Wilhelm-Löhe-School in Nuremberg, a Protestant cooperative comprehensive school with a “Grundschule” (elementary school), “Mittelschule”, “Realschule” (both types of secondary school), “Gymnasium” (high school /grammar school) and “Fachoberschule” (technical high school) all under one roof.

If you are interested in registering your child with us, we would like to provide you with the following additional information:

  • Our Protestant school expects families to accept the rules of the Löhe school family. This also includes the willingness and openness to deal with religious questions and the willingness to participate in the religious life of our school.
  • If you are a member of a Christian church, please present your baptism certificate. If your child has not been baptized or is non-denominational, please make an appointment with our school pastor, Pastor Maletius, well before the actual registration days.
  • The following applies to children who wish to attend our elementary school: Due to state regulations, we can only accept a limited number of non-baptized Protestant children at our elementary school. For this reason, the interview with the school theologian only takes place after the selection and lottery procedure. If you would like to register your non-baptized child for our elementary school, you do not need to contact the school theologian in advance.
  • For the registration of future first graders, please bring the information for the elementary school from your kindergarten.
  • Because we are a Protestant cooperative comprehensive school, we are very keen to provide a home for all children of a family. However, this does not mean that we will automatically enroll siblings; the school will also consider together with the parents whether we are the right place for your child to receive appropriate support and encouragement.
  • For enrollment from the 5th school year onwards, please bring the last meaningful school report from the school you leave to the enrollment dates. For the relatively early registration dates at the Mittelschule and Gymnasium, this means that you must present the report of the third school year at the time of registration. Please contact the elementary school individually for inquiries about lateral entry for years 2-4.
  • We hope that all families will be open and trusting during the admissions interviews. This applies in particular to families who expect special circumstances or special support to be taken into account. Of course, this openness also includes confidentiality on the part of the school.
  • Part of the diversity of the school profile that we desire and promote is that numerous families with particularly gifted children have already chosen our school, as they find an appropriate and socially challenging environment here that places value on the individualization of learning paths and educational careers. We want to strengthen this even further in the future.
  • Moreover, we see our educational mission providing a home for children and young people with disabilities and impairments, too. If this applies to you, we would like to ask you to contact the school before the official registration deadlines. We encourage you to contact our school psychological counseling center well in advance. For a possible individual decision, it is necessary to clarify with the counseling center beforehand whether our school is the right place for your child.
  • As a state-recognized private school, we naturally receive funding from the State of Bavaria. However, we also need financial support from the Evangelical Lutheran Church and from families in the form of school fees (currently 150 euros per month). (In exceptional cases, there is also a scholarship system for families in a difficult financial situation).
  • We have a well-developed and popular all-day program for grades 1 to 6.
  • We also offer more than 90 elective subjects.

We generally use the so-called “weighted lottery procedure” for admission decisions. Church employees – including those from the voluntary sector – are given a special chance. In any case, you will receive a decision from our school in good time so that you can still apply to another private or public school.

You can believe us: as proud as we are that we are able to fill several times the number of available places at our schools each year, we are just as sad when we have to communicate a rejection to the children and their families. The recognition of our work expressed in the enrolment figures is an incentive for us to improve even further even if we know that disappointment for families who cannot find a place with us cannot be avoided.

If you are considering transferring your child from another school to our school – e.g. due to relocation, – please contact the school management directly and arrange an appointment with them. In principle, you can also contact us by telephone or writing with any questions that are not answered satisfactorily on this website. You will find the contact details under the menu item “Kontakt”.


I wish you and your families all the best and a wise and correct decision.

Rev. Mark Meinhard

Executive Director/ Head of Comprehensive School